
Teacher Profile

Sue A. Spotts, CSB

  • English
Sue A. Spotts, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Okemos, MI
  • When: Check with teacher


  • Where: Okemos, MI
  • When: Check with teacher

At an early age I found Christian Science to be the surest Comforter.  It was my close companion from teen years into adulthood, healing and sustaining me during tough times and providing counsel and assurance through many decisions related to family, education, and career.

During my senior year in high school I experienced an instantaneous healing of hemorrhaging after a car accident, followed by the quick and complete release of other after-effects.  A few years later came another significant healing, this time of grief after the passing of a loved one.  Both experiences left me feeling profoundly the “realness” of God and of my relationship to Him.

I came to see that what I had experienced in both instances was something of “the living God” referred to in Scripture.  I felt tangibly the Father’s love, which is in fact always pouring forth for each of us. The natural result was healing, my life changing for the better, and an increased awareness of the reality and substantiality of good.

Yearning to help others experience God and His healing Christ was the inspiration back of my entering public practice shortly after college, writing regularly for the Church’s periodicals, and then becoming a teacher. It’s a privilege to offer Primary class instruction. There is no joy quite like the one felt during class, as we delve deeply into Christian Science and learn more of our innate capacity for Christ-healing—except, perhaps, the joy of attending annual association meetings!


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