
Teacher Profile

Carol Rockhold Miller, CSB

  • English
Carol Rockhold Miller, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Princeton, New Jersey
  • When: Usually August


  • Where: Princeton, New Jersey
  • When: April

Sometime in my early teens I came to consider Christian Science as the most important thing in my life. It greatly blessed me during my high school and college years and I loved participating in the Christian Science Organization on our college campus. Shortly after graduation I had a deep desire to understand Mary Baker Eddy better and researched everything she and the early Christian Scientists wrote about her and the revelation of the Comforter. This directly led me to finding my Christian Science teacher – and class instruction has formed the foundation for the ever-unfolding progress in all the ensuing years. Without a doubt class instruction was the greatest blessing in my life and its blessings continue.

The practice unfolded naturally, and I’ve had an active practice for most of my life. Working in the Christian Science Committee on Publication office in New York for over twenty years was a wonderfully enriching experience and provided the opportunity for significant spiritual growth and a deeper understanding of church. Active branch church membership has always been important to me. Journal-listing as a Christian Science practitioner happened quickly after leaving the Committee office, and the holy privilege of attending the Normal class came a few years later.

Nothing can compare with the spiritual joy and inner peace that have come through my growing understanding of God and its practical guiding and healing effect in my life. Sharing that with others is truly a privilege.



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