
Find a Christian Science Teacher

On these pages you’ll find our list of authorized Christian Science Teachers from around the world.

You may be looking at this listing for any number of reasons. Possibly you’re thinking about Primary class instruction or you’re new to the public practice of Christian Science healing and looking for a mentor because your own teacher isn’t available.

Or maybe you’re just curious about “what Christian Science teachers are like.”

That’s okay. Whatever your reason for visiting this website, we hope you’ll read a number of these biographical sketches and will return to read more. We can’t help feeling that taken together they constitute a remarkable portrait of strong, joyous, self-sacrificing commitment to life as a Christian Scientist.

Interestingly, many of these teachers were originally impelled by powerful Christian Science healings for themselves or their family members. Then in the midst of their very diverse lives and productive roles, they heard the call of Christ, Truth, to heal and teach and “preach” the Word, to live life at ever deeper and more consistent spiritual levels.

Teachers themselves may be encouraged to see the strength and unified spiritual purpose of this teacher corps in which they serve.

For anyone who wants a new view of the vitality and fresh commitment of “second-century Christian Science,” a comparatively young spiritual movement on the move, this is a good place to look.

Learn more about Primary class instruction

Christian Science teachers are located around the world. Explore their biographical information and read details about their Primary class and Christian Science Association. 

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