
Christian Science Practitioner Activities

The Christian Science Practitioner Activities department at The Mother Church supports those who are interested in the full-time practice of Christian Science as well as Journal-listed practitioners.

If you have any questions about Journal-listing, or are considering the full time practice and want to learn more about it, you might begin by looking at the information provided on this page. You should also feel free to contact our office at 617-450-7550 or

Why become a Christian Science practitioner?

As you are daily loving what you’re seeing of Truth, and striving to prove in your own life that “Christian Science heals the sick quickly and wholly” (Manual of The Mother Church, p. 92), it’s natural to feel called to the full-time healing ministry of a Christian Science practitioner. In a world struggling with suffering and sorrow, consecrated Christian healers are needed today as much as ever. This rewarding, fulfilling, and joyful vocation develops out of living the two great commandments given to us by Jesus: loving God, and loving our neighbor as ourselves (see Mark 12:28-31).

Steps for listing in the Journal

  • Members of The Mother Church who have completed Primary class instruction in Christian Science can apply to advertise in The Christian Science Journal as a full-time practitioner.

  • In order to apply for listing in the Journal, you need to be free of any other employment, except when working for The Mother Church or your branch church, and be dedicating yourself to the full-time practice.

    • You should be regularly receiving calls for help, and be able to share with us three patient references who have had complete healing from your Christian Science treatment.

    • One of these references may be a family member, and at least two need to be physical healings which the patient reference has experienced.

  • As you are working towards the full-time practice you may find it helpful to speak with your Christian Science teacher. If your teacher is no longer with us, you may seek guidance from another Christian Science teacher or practitioner who supports you as a mentor.

  • When you feel ready to apply, and have met all of the requirements above, you can fill in an application form.

    • Since this application doesn’t have an autosave feature, we recommend that you have all your answers ready when filling out the form.

    • Once you have applied, we will speak with your teacher/mentor, and your patient references to verify the healings. Then we will arrange a time to talk with you about your practice.

Use our online application to apply

Already listed in the Journal?

Make changes or ask questions

If you have questions about your listing regarding payment or changes to your contact information, please contact Directory Services at For any other questions or concerns about the practice please be in touch with the Christian Science Practitioner Activities office at 617-450-7550 or

Below are links to download a PDF of the Christian Science practitioner scope of services. This document is not an attempt to give a complete statement of Christian Science practice, but to provide other professionals—attorneys, accountants, insurance providers, etc.—a general sense of what is involved in the practice of Christian Science.

Christian Science practitioners may include this document on their websites embedded as a pdf, or they may provide a link to this webpage.

We ask that the document not be excerpted, nor cut and pasted, nor used except in its full original form (which includes the letterhead).

For more information please write the office of Christian Science Practitioner Activities at or call 617-450-2484

Download a PDF of this scope of services summary:

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