
Teacher Profile

Bonnie Coyne Rainwater, CSB

  • English
Bonnie Coyne Rainwater, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: Summer


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: Contact Teacher

As a child, I loved listening to Bible stories, especially healings performed by Jesus. These gifts of God’s grace seemed so natural, yet I couldn’t understand why God would not allow for such healings today.

When I was 10, my mom had a major healing while reading Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. She enrolled my seven siblings and me immediately in a Christian Science Sunday School where I joyfully discovered that I could be a spiritual healer after all.

I joined The Mother Church and a branch church in my teens. In my early twenties I took class instruction to learn more about how to heal myself and others. This instruction became a strong foundation, guiding my spiritual progress in establishing God’s goodness and blessings in my life. As a young, single mother Christian Science parented me; and it helped me raise my son through radical reliance on our Father-Mother God’s loving care and direction.

After receiving college degrees in Studio Art and Art History, with a special focus in Biblical studies, I worked in event planning, advertising, and marketing. Later I moved to Boston to work at The Mother Church. I first advertised as a practitioner in The Christian Science Journal in 2010 and became an authorized teacher in 2021.

I love spending time with family, taking long walks, reading, traveling, and listening to jazz.

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