
Teacher Profile

Estrella de Romero, CSB

Estrella de Romero, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Mexico City
  • When: July


  • Where: Mexico City
  • When: July

I am from Veracruz, Mexico. From girlhood, I wanted to know more about God and who I was--it was really a search for spirituality.  I wished I had been born in Jesus’ time so I could experience primitive Christianity and its healing power for my family and myself.

Then, as a married woman with five children, amidst difficulties with finances, health and relationships, I found my traditional religious background was not offering me solutions. I needed to find an intelligent, practical sense of my relationship to God, so I started reading everything I could find on this all-important topic.
A friend occasionally shared wonderfully inspiring ideas about God and man, and finally mentioned their source: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I bought the book. It was what I had always been searching for.

By reading it, both my youngest son and I were healed of long-standing illnesses, compelling me to learn more of the Christian method of healing practiced by Jesus. My gratitude to God nurtured my desire to help others as I had been. I took Primary class Instruction in 1973 and immediately commenced the public practice of Christian Science.

Years later, as a result of dedicated Sunday School teaching, I felt I would be able to teach adults as well, and took Normal class in 1988. Again, this impulse was born of my immense gratitude to God and wanting to be useful to the movement that has so richly blessed me.

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