

Melanie Wahlberg, CS

Melanie isn't currently accepting further invitations for the 2024-2025 lecture year, and in general, she does less traveling these days due to her role as assistant manager of the Board of Lectureship. Two influences that Melanie will never forget were the Christian Science Sunday School and a mom who turned to prayer and encouraged her to do the same.


Rodger Amagan Glokpor CSB

Awful poverty in a polygamous family--these words describe well the condition in which I first became aware of my existence in the remote countryside of South-Eastern Togo, West Africa, where I was born. Traditional animism, worship of and belief in many spirits, nurtured my heathen early education.


Beverly Goldsmith CSB

My deep love for Christian Science healing began as a young teenager. My mother and grandmother were healed of chronic ailments, and I was permanently healed of migraine headaches by reading Mary Baker Eddy’s textbook,  Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.


Antonio Gonga CSB

I was raised in Angola. In 1971 I finished secondary school, received a certificate in general pedagogy, and started working as a teacher.


Lesley E Gort CSB

In common with many people, I am sure, the two most important things to me are my family and my faith. In fact, I can say that I would not have one without the other, since they came to me about the same time and were very much connected. Seeking help after a succession of three miscarriages, I came across the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered Christian Science. A whole new, more spiritual perspective on life began to open up to me, and I learned that healing through prayer is as possible now as in Jesus’ day.


Christian A Harder CSB

When I was growing up, Christian Science was at the center of family life. Both of my parents were Christian Science practitioners, and I dutifully attended Sunday School.


Virginia Harris CSB

My most enduring memory following a near-fatal accident is of God assuring me that He was/is my very life. Trapped in my car, I was passing in and out of consciousness.


Janet Ivcich Hegarty CSB

As a child and young adult growing up in St. Louis, I felt life was a mystery; the future was unknown and the present a string of random events.


Lois Herr CSB

In high school I struggled with a painful disease that examining physicians said had no cure. Through Christian Science I was healed within two weeks.
