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Patricia Cohan Woodard, CS
Patty discovered Christian Science as an adolescent and soon thereafter experienced the complete healing of a broken arm through Christian Science treatment, to the amazement of her mother, a registered nurse.After working in New York City in the fashion business, Patty realized she wanted to help children learn how to learn. So she returned to school and earned a Masters of Arts in Teaching.
James Pascal Bikai CSB
My parents found Christian Science when I was eight, and we experienced our mother’s healing of cancer, as well as many other healings of serious diseases over the years. I was always curious to know how prayer worked, especially after I was healed of yellow fever.
Mary Bothwell CSB
What an exhilarating experience to have the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy come alive through their spiritual meaning! I gained a glimpse of this as a student in the Christian Science Sunday School. Ever since, I have continued to participate in Sunday School whenever possible, either as teacher of all age levels or as superintendent.
Anne-Francoise Bouffe CSB
Christian Science was introduced to our family when I was seven and I had the privilege of attending Sunday School in Paris. It was there that I learned to love the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Susan Breuer CSB
I have always loved Christian Science and couldn’t wait for my twelfth birthday so I could join The Mother Church. I knew I wanted to be a practitioner by the age of fifteen.
Katie Sue Brown CSB
My love for the teachings of Christian Science started at a young age, with Christian Science grandparents and parents who showed me that expressing good, or God, was my purpose. They also taught me to pray to God for healing.
Georgia Powers Bulloch CSB
A career in spiritual healing—not even on my radar when I headed off to college! My love of numbers made accounting an attractive major, while international travels to France and Switzerland enriched my experience with a deepening global awareness. Marriage and family came before my degree, so I attended night school and worked in financial accounting for a railroad company, which was the parent of both a steel company and a trucking company.
Cynthia Lee Clague CSB
Christian Science came into my family when Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy healed two of my great grandmothers of incurable diseases. Faithful teachers in Sunday School taught me to love the Bible and to practice its teachings.
Janet Heineman Clements CSB
A beautiful healing of my mother of an enlarged heart brought our family into Christian Science. I grew up in Texas and I’ve always been a seeker for Truth. But during my university studies in graphic arts, I had a challenging physical problem that impelled me to continually read Science and Health.
Connie Coddington CSB
To live the spiritual laws of God—divine Love—has been at the center of my life since I was a teenager. In my mid-20’s, on sabbatical from teaching and studying voice at a Conservatory, the message came in the middle of a lesson: “This isn’t it.