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Rosalind Childs Fogg CSB
While working in television in New York City, after college and studying/traveling in Europe and Africa, I was awakened to a keen desire to really know myself spiritually and to be more a part of Church’s healing mission. Primary class instruction transformed my life. Working for The Mother Church, in Boston, enhanced my appreciation of Church. Communing with God led me to obediently and faithfully begin publicly practicing Christian Science, and I have been gratefully healing others for over 35 years. My prayers led me to St.
Susan E Frank CSB
Growing up, I loved attending the Christian Science Sunday School, where I learned about God’s love for mankind, Jesus’ healing ministry, and Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery of the Comforter, as promised by Jesus. That experience strengthened my deep love for Christian Science and my desire to know more about man’s relationship with God and to put it into practice.
Evelin Castellar Duarte Frizotti CSB
"Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way,” Mary Baker Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 454). I have witnessed this in my journey.
Mojisola Anjorin Solanke George CSB
I grew up in a deeply Christian family, and very early learnt to love God and read the Bible. While a university student, I heard about Christian Science, and was immediately drawn to the fact that Christ is a real, though not physical, presence, which I may prove practically, by healing like Jesus.
Russ Gerber CSB
I've always been fascinated with the human voice and its wide range of uses. Beyond ordinary communication, we use it to grab attention, convey comfort, persuade, instruct, and inspire.
Ruth Geyer CSB
I came into Christian Science as an adult and found it to be just what I’d been searching for -- Mrs. Eddy’s writings described so perfectly something I’d always known deep inside.
Robert Coe Gilbert CSB
Although a life-long Christian Scientist, I didn’t embrace it fully until I had to deal with a number of challenges in college. After graduation, I was accepted into The Mother Church chaplain training program, attended seminary, and had a variety of assignments in the Army, including military prisons, hospitals, and a tour of duty in Vietnam. The public practice of healing naturally evolved and I became listed in the Journal in 1976. After completing active duty, my wife and I moved to California, where we raised two sons.
Pamela Joy Concar CSB
My family found Christian Science when my grandfather was terminally ill. After his healing, my grandmother became a Christian Scientist and brought her eight children, including my mother, to Sunday School. I was raised in Christian Science and saw many healings in my family: burns, facial lacerations, childhood diseases, which were healed quickly and permanently. Wanting to learn more about how to heal, I went through Primary class. I became active in my branch church as soon as I graduated from Sunday School. Raising a family and working, provided many opportunities to apply the healing principles of Christian Science. Our family saw many healings and I had countless opportunities to share Christian Science with others. After moving from the East Coast to the West Coast, I found that I was spending more and more time helping others through prayer.
Melanie L Daglian CSB
I found Christian Science in college and immediately knew I had found the Truth. The first thing I did was read Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and I was amazed to find articulated what I’d always felt must be true.