
Teacher Profile

Warren T. Berckmann, CSB

  • English
Warren T. Berckmann, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: Contact Teacher


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: October

As a preschooler, I fell out of a tree, badly wounding my arm. Worried that my dad, not a Christian Scientist, would be alarmed, my mom considered taking me to a doctor. I innocently looked up at her and asked, “Can’t God heal it?” She immediately called a Christian Science Practitioner and it was soon healed through prayer.

In Viet Nam, I was protected in combat and, having contracted malaria (medically diagnosed), I turned to God, asking a Christian Science Practitioner to pray with me, and was healed permanently without medicine.

I am convinced from these two instances and many more, healing myself and others, that the best means by which to free people from illnesses, accidents, financial, relationship, and all other challenges, is by following the Master, Christ Jesus, and the practice of Christian Science as taught by Mary Baker Eddy.

With an undergraduate degree in marketing, and an MBA, I pursued a business career, culminating as CEO of an international foundation, doing business in North America, Europe and Africa. I also served as Christian Science Committee on Publication for Michigan and later the Internet.

Out of a sincere desire to help mankind find healing, as I had found it, I entered the public practice of Christian Science. Later, wishing to support others in their healing practice, I became an authorized teacher of Christian Science.

I speak French fluently, and my wife, Linda, and I enjoy dancing, motorcycling and hiking.

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