
Teacher Profile

Laurie Q. Richardson, CSB

  • English
Laurie Q. Richardson, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: St. Louis, Missouri
  • When: Usually early summer


  • Where: St. Louis, Missouri
  • When: September

Although I was raised in Christian Science, in a sense I feel that Christian Science raised me. The teachings of the Bible, the mission of our Master, Christ Jesus, and the revealed message of spiritual truth explained in the writings of Mary Baker Eddy provided a natural pathway of learning and purpose early in my life.

Following college I entered Christian Science nursing and there found the framework for further understanding the practical application of Christian Science and its tender healing ministry. For over a decade I served in various nursing capacities, including nursing education and administration. The opportunity to then work for The Mother Church in the Clerk’s office expanded my appreciation for the worldwide membership activities of Christian Science. My dedication to its universal mission continues to grow.  I became listed as a practitioner in The Christian Science Journal in the mid-1990s. Marriage and family have been integral to my life while in the public healing practice. Although I have lived on both coasts of the United States, my husband and I are settled in the mid-west.

A devotion and appreciation for Mrs. Eddy’s emphasis on understanding the spiritual meaning of the Bible and its timeless correlation to Christian Science is central to my healing practice. Supporting individual spiritual progress and nurturing others in their preparation for a healing ministry are my great desires in teaching. I attended the 2012 Normal class.


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