
Teacher Profile

Katie Sue Brown, CSB

  • English
Katie Sue Brown, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Fort Wayne, Indiana
  • When: spring or summer


  • Where: Fort Wayne area, Indiana
  • When: September

My love for the teachings of Christian Science started at a young age, with Christian Science grandparents and parents who showed me that expressing good, or God, was my purpose. They also taught me to pray to God for healing.

It has always been my sincere desire to share this loving way of life with others, and I helped start a Christian Science College Organization while earning my B.A. in English-theatre at Franklin College, Franklin, Indiana.

My upbringing in Christian Science, quick healing results for my own health care, and a desire to heal others impelled me to go through primary Christian Science class instruction while expecting our first child. Then I left my journalism career to be a stay-at-home mother, church worker, community volunteer, and a substitute teacher, while also working in the part-time practice.

Being obedient to Jesus’ words to “love one another”, I began advertising in The Christian Science Journal as a practitioner in 2001, and this led to my attending the 2009 Normal class. Teaching and healing go hand in hand for me, and I feel grateful joy in doing both!

I am grateful to have served as the Christian Science Committee on Publication for Indiana from June 2009 to April 2014. In that appointment I met with legislators, news media, and the public, wrote articles and blogs, and shared accurate information about Christian Science. 

My husband and I have three children, a son-in-law, and two granddaughters. We enjoy family time, hiking in the mountains together.

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