
Teacher Profile

Estela Mari G. de Milone, CSB

Estela Mari G. de Milone, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Montevideo
  • When: September


  • Where: Montevideo
  • When: Spring

I was born and raised in Paysandú, a city on the shores of the Uruguay River. I had never heard about Christian Science until the time I met the man who was to be my husband. To me, God felt always like a close but fearsome friend. Learning about God as supreme, ever near Love, was a turning point in my life. Then I wanted to learn more about this Science that was making me understand my true identity as God’s likeness. A few years later, when we already had four children, I sought class instruction. The desire to benefit others with the knowledge I was gaining from the study and by my own experiences, inevitably followed, and I became listed as a Christian Science practitioner in the Journal and the Spanish Herald. Impelled by the desire to broaden the sharing of what I am learning about God, divine Love, I applied and was accepted in the 2009 Normal class. Sharing what I am learning is a joyous task, overflowing with happiness.

I currently live and teach in Montevideo, the capital city of Uruguay. Two of my children live in this city also--the other two live abroad, one in Brazil, one in the UK. This gives us the opportunity to enjoy the family here and to travel and visit them in other countries as well.

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