
Teacher Profile

Caryl Emra Farkas, CSB

  • English
Caryl Emra Farkas, CSB

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  • Where: Madison, Wisconsin
  • When: Summer


  • Where: Madison, Wisconsin
  • When: May

When I was growing up, I attended First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Freeport, New York. I became a member of that church and The Mother Church at age 12. The many healings I experienced as a child, affirmed for me the allness and love of God. I "came home" to Christian Science through a life-changing healing after being away from church for some fifteen years. This experience proved to me the verity of Mary Baker Eddy's writings, and I devoted myself full time to the study and practice of Christian Science. This led to my taking Primary class in 1994 and becoming a Journal-listed practitioner in 1996. My public practice grew naturally out of my personal practice of Christian Science. Sharing my growing understanding of divine Principle through healing and writing for the periodicals led to applying to Normal Class. For me, this was in keeping with Mrs. Eddy's words about the "fruit of the spirit,": "The student who heals by teaching and teaches by healing, will graduate under divine honors, which are the only appropriate seals for Christian Science." (Mis 358:4-6) I am grateful to have gone through Normal class in 2006.

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