
Teacher Profile

Scott F. Preller, CSB

  • English
Scott F. Preller, CSB

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  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts
  • When: Usually summer or fall


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts area
  • When: April

Christian Science has taken care of my family’s needs for five generations. I used to listen to my German grandmother tell me how God had protected family members during both world wars. These accounts of protection from bombs and Nazi interrogations had the same feeling of authenticity as the Bible accounts of deliverance from lions’ dens and fiery furnaces. Because of that, the Bible always felt approachable to me. Growing up in Colorado, loving hiking and skiing and the mountains, it always felt completely natural to be talking to God and listening for His presence.

I had many questions about life and the world, and Christian Science encouraged me to keep asking, keep exploring. As answers and healings came, I increasingly realized that nothing made me feel more alive or purposeful than actively practicing Christian Science.

After earning a Master of Divinity in Biblical studies, I served as an Air Force chaplain. I entered the full-time healing practice in 1992. Teaching Sunday School was always my favorite church activity, and my conviction that anyone who loves God can learn to heal and that God is the only real Teacher led me to go through Normal class in 2006. I have served The Mother Church as a Regional Assistant to Christian Science Organizations, a staff editor for the religious periodicals, a member of the Board of Lectureship, and as President of the Board of Education. I am currently serving as a Trustee of The Christian Science Publishing Society and on the Board of Directors.

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