
Teacher Profile

Pamela Joy Concar, CSB

  • English
Pamela Joy Concar, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Orange County, California
  • When: Usually in the summer


  • Where: Orange County, California
  • When: Usually in the summer

My family found Christian Science when my grandfather was terminally ill.  After his healing, my grandmother became a Christian Scientist and brought her eight children, including my mother, to Sunday School.  I was raised in Christian Science and saw many healings in my family: burns, facial lacerations, childhood diseases, which were healed quickly and permanently.  Wanting to learn more about how to heal, I went through Primary class.  I became active in my branch church as soon as I graduated from Sunday School.

Raising a family and working, provided many opportunities to apply the healing principles of Christian Science.   Our family saw many healings and I had countless opportunities to share Christian Science with others.  After moving from the East Coast to the West Coast, I found that I was spending more and more time helping others through prayer. I served as a Chaplain in the Orange County Jails, and then was Journal listed as a practitioner.  Later I went through Normal class to become a teacher and served on The Board of Lectureship.  It is such a joy to share this precious truth with the world.

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