
Teacher Profile

Louis E. Benjamin, CSB

  • English
Louis E. Benjamin, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
  • When: mid year


  • Where: Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
  • When: mid year

I am a South African and come from a long line of family committed to the rights of man – based on a spiritual foundation.

Throughout my life I have experienced evidence of God’s protecting and healing power in that I never missed a day of my schooling or business career due to illness. I was able to assist my fellow pupils and corporate colleagues to experience the presence of the Christ in many different situations.

The ideas presented in the book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy have helped me to focus on the truths presented in the Bible in a way that has made them practical and operative in my daily life. The wonderful result has been healings for myself and others of conditions both physical and non-physical (human relationships, career progress, depression dissolved, supply realized, home demonstrated, etc).

In my lifelong desire to share the healing power of Christian Science with mankind, I have worked as a Christian Science Committee on Publication, a lecturer for the Christian Science Board of Lectureship, as well as serving the Writings of Mary Baker Eddy, in Southern Africa.

I was first listed as a Christian Science practitioner in December 2000 and graduated from the 2009 Normal class. I live in the rolling green hills of KwaZulu/Natal just outside Durban.

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