
Teacher Profile

Linda Stocks-Copley, CSB

  • English
Linda Stocks-Copley, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Cape Town, Western Province
  • When: September/October/November


  • Where: Cape Town, Western Province
  • When: July

"My prayer some daily good to do to Thine for Thee.."

These words from a poem by Mary Baker Eddy, reflect the impetus of my life from early childhood. Raised in South Africa during the apartheid era by parents who practised Christian Science, I felt uncomfortably “doubly advantaged” – racially by State law, spiritually by what Sunday School taught about God's law. Some relatives were political activists; my parents, by example, encouraged me to be a ‘spiritual activist’ and a secret desire was born - to be a practitioner!

An innate teaching ability and deep affinity for children led to a career in remedial education that expanded into working with children and adults from all races, cultures and strata of society. This provided ample opportunity for prayerful practice and dissolved for me all sense of segregation.

Woven into those years was the enrichment of marriage and motherhood and of serving in all capacities in branch church life. Our family traveled widely, living abroad at times. This deepened my understanding of universality that had first been awakened when I attended a College Organization Meeting at TMC in my teens.

In 1994 I attended a life-changing course: Primary class!  The fulfillment of my lifelong desire to be Journal-listed as a practitioner was the next step. Finally came the day I was ready to heed Love's impelling to become a teacher of Christian Science, and I took Normal class in December 2009.

Now I find myself “doubly privileged” – to serve as practitioner and teacher.

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