
Teacher Profile

Kari Mashos, CSB

  • English
Kari Mashos, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Portland, Maine
  • When: In the summer


  • Where: Portland, Maine
  • When: In the summer

At an early age I loved reading the Bible for its inspiring accounts of healing. I found it comforting, strengthening and thought-provoking. Those healing experiences, brought by relying on divine help, showed that God is divine Love—a powerful presence that gives hope and healing. It was the teachings of Christ Jesus which reassured me of God’s unconditional love during some very troubling childhood experiences.

The study and practice of Christian Science, as revealed to Mary Baker Eddy, enabled me to find healing for myself and my growing family and in my professional career as a singer.  The joy of learning the truth that divine Love is with us, and for everyone, was the spark which naturally brought me into the full-time healing practice of Christian Science. It made perfect sense to share this fact—that the Comforter, what Christ Jesus prophesied would come, is here.

As a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship from 2004-2019 I saw how natural it is for people to understand what Mrs. Eddy discovered, the Science of Christ, and to experience its healing effect for themselves.

Becoming an authorized teacher of Christian Science in 2006 was a step I took to further help others know and practice this profound and complete revelation.

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