
Teacher Profile

José de Dios Mata, CSB

José de Dios Mata, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Madrid area
  • When: Usually in December


  • Where: Madrid area
  • When: Usually in December

I grew up in Spain. My youth was very normal, with a focus on music. At twenty, I started to work for the government and continued this for ten years.

During that time, at the beginning of 1979, I had to confront an enormous challenge. A family member suddenly became sick, and the doctors weren’t able to find a cure for the illness. Also, because of a congenital injury, I had nearly totally lost hearing in both ears. I was told I would become completely deaf without surgery and that I couldn’t continue working in my present position until I had an operation. But I chose not to have the operation.

Finally, in December of that year, after exploring different options, I was introduced to Christian Science. Solely through reading the textbook of this religion, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, both situations were completely healed in a very short time.

Very soon I realized that the spiritual understanding that I had gained enabled me to heal other people. After proving for a number of years the practical effect of these teachings in healing sickness and other inharmonious situations in human life, I decided in 1987 to enter the public practice of Christian Science as my only profession.

My desire to help others to learn the practice of spiritual healing in Christian Science guided me to take the Normal class in 2009.

My wife and I divide our time between Spain and the United States. My phone number in Spain is 672-309-591.

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