
Teacher Profile

Evelin Castellar D. Frizotti, CSB

  • English
Evelin Castellar D. Frizotti, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Rio de Janeiro


  • Where: Rio de Janeiro

"Love inspires, illumines, designates, and leads the way,” Mary Baker Eddy writes (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, page 454).

I have witnessed this in my journey. Since I was young, I sought to understand more about the Bible, God and myself. I attended other religious denominations, but I could not find the answers I sought

Then a friend invited me to the Christian Science Sunday School. Even though I was 11, I had no doubt that Christian Science was my place! My parents authorized me to attend the Sunday School, although they had other religious affiliations. My eternal gratitude to them for respecting my conviction.

Following my journey, I chose the career of Information Technology and got a graduate degree in Computer Network Systems, specializing in Information Security, Audit and Personnel Management. Because I love education, I took my Master’s Degree in Education. Professionally, I was an officer in the Brazilian Army and a university professor.

But Love led me to other ways… expanding thought to embrace humanity! That brought me the tender assurance to enlist as a practitioner of Christian Science, in 2005.

Continuing the journey, I realized there was another step that requires a deep consecration to God and to the Cause of Christian Science. Then came the honest recognition that the moment had come to request to participate in the Normal Class in 2015. A sweet and gentle conviction led me to take this big step in my journey.

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