
Teacher Profile

Connie Coddington, CSB

  • English
Connie Coddington, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • When: early October


  • Where: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • When: mid-October

To live the spiritual laws of God—divine Love—has been at the center of my life since I was a teenager. In my mid-20’s, on sabbatical from teaching and studying voice at a Conservatory, the message came in the middle of a lesson: “This isn’t it. It’s the practice!” 

Almost immediately I left teaching and the Conservatory, and found three part-time jobs to support setting up an office for the practice of Christian Science. Before this, people had begun asking me to pray for them, and as I did I saw the healing laws of Christ, Truth at work. A few years later, I let those three jobs go, and became a Journal-listed practitioner the same month my first child was born.

And yes, there were challenges along the way. My marriage ended and I found myself needing to support my two young girls when they were in elementary school. But there was God, the one sustaining Mind, right here, providing for my family all the way through college. I learned to trust Isaiah’s statement, “Your Maker is your husband.”

My yearning for a career in voice became instead a calling to listen to the “still small voice” of God. Today, I’m also a teacher of Christian Science, helping others to move more deeply into the healing work.

Following the Science of Christ—the light of Truth—is the desire of every humble heart. The joy of my life is to see it shine.

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