
Teacher Profile

Christine Jenks Driessen, CSB

  • English
Christine Jenks Driessen, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: New York
  • When: Contact teacher


  • Where: New York City area
  • When: Spring

Christian Science as a way of life and a complete system of healing is the only thing I’ve ever known. For four generations my family, including my daughter, have chosen this system and found it thoroughly reliable and effective.

In fact, that is why, even as a child, I wanted to be a healer and to share Christian Science with the world.  It was so evident to me that God’s love embraces everyone—no one is excluded!

Although I pursued several careers, I always saw Christian Science as the unique healing perspective I could bring to my work:as a professional harpist, ballet dancer, French teacher; Director of the Indo-Chinese Refugee Legal Assistance Program; an attorney specializing in criminal, juvenile and domestic law; founder and director of a legal assistance program and also a rehabilitation program for mothers in prison.

My desire to serve full time as a healer led me to work for The Mother Church, first as an attorney with the Committee on Publication, Legal and Legislative Division; then as Manager of Sunday Schools and Youth Activities and Superintendent of The Mother Church Sunday School. I became Journal-listed in 1996 and wondered why I had waited so long! It’s the greatest work there is! I have been lecturing in English and French since 1999 with a special focus on medical schools, youth talks, and Africa. In 2003, I went through Normal class and discovered that teaching this Science was more rewarding than any other teaching I’d ever done!

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