
Teacher Profile

Annu Matthai, CSB

  • English
Annu Matthai, CSB

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  • Where: Bangalore


  • Where: Bangalore

A friend invited me to a Christian Science testimony meeting. That started me on a spiritual journey that has taken me from merely believing in God to a growing understanding of God as Love itself, an all-powerful and ever-present Parent. And so much healing has resulted from my study of Christian Science.

I’m learning that nothing is beyond the scope of this Science and its ability to heal and bless all. Each challenge is an opportunity to understand more of God's infinite nature through prayer and the consecrated study of the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's writings.

Although I grew up in India, my husband’s work took our family to live in countries as diverse as Thailand, Japan, Finland and Austria. During those many years of new experiences, Christian Science assured me of God’s unchanging love and presence. I have come to realize how truly universal this Science is – not defined or influenced by language, culture or tradition.

Primary Class in 1998 helped me learn how to heal more consistently. When friends started calling for Christian Science treatment, it seemed natural to set aside time for the public practice. I have been advertising in the Christian Science Journal since 2005.

I also serve as Committee on Publication for India.

It is such a privilege to see the law of God at work each day and to help others see it as well. My love for this work led me to Normal class in 2015.



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