
Teacher Profile

Alice W. Suitt, CSB

  • English
Alice W. Suitt, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Sacramento, California
  • When: Flexible


  • Where: Sacramento, California
  • When: Flexible

Three generations after my grandmother found Christian Science while homesteading Canadian wheat fields, I am grateful that the gift of her example of compassionate, loving, joy-filled, consecrated practice of Christian Science continues to bless all.

Early in life, through spiritual lessons learned in Christian Science Sunday School, I was led to a career in public service, moving through a series of unique experiences until I was appointed to various upper level, regulatory-management positions, where there were many joyful and challenging opportunities to apply those early Sunday School lessons and, later, what I  learned during Christian Science Primary class Instruction. Like Moses, I learned to listen to and to trust God's unerring communication and direction.

Coincident with these experiences, there were treasured opportunities to serve my local Christian Science branch church in many capacities and to serve for many years as a Christian Science chaplain at Old Folsom Prison, near Sacramento, California.   Subsequently, I was led to become a full-time Christian Science practitioner.

Being a part of the 2009 Normal class was the natural outcome of serving God and the Christian Science movement and provides wider opportunities to share the precious gift of Christian Science that my grandmother shared with me.

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