
Teacher Profile

Tom McElroy, CSB

  • English
Tom McElroy, CSB

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  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts area


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts area

Growing up, Christian Science was my lifeline. I wasn't super tied in to church, but I had a concrete feeling there was a source I could turn to for comfort, inspiration, and direction: God. It was clear the only perspectives that actually made a difference came from this one and only source that was Good, Life, and Love itself.

When I took Christian Science Primary class the scales tipped. Before that, God had been part of the equation, but now it was like everything—including the everyday stuff of life—became about experiencing and proving God. I felt I saw something of the magnitude of Christian Science and the all-encompassing nature of spiritual Life and good.

This took unexpected forms through my work in finance, as well as in an active prison ministry—a "rubber meets the road" experience that compelled me to look at what I really believed about the nature of life and God. That ministry also pushed me to think about how to communicate spiritual ideas in diverse, accessible ways. Recent years speaking around the world as a member of the Christian Science Board of Lectureship have continued to show me just how all-embracing God's love is, and that there's always a way for divine Love to be felt and understood.

My full-time public practice began in 2006. And at the heart of my life and practice are my wife and son.

For me, teaching is about helping others make their own discoveries about how present God's all-encompassing love is. 

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