
Teacher Profile

Suzanne Riedel, CSB

  • English
Suzanne Riedel, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Denver, Colorado area
  • When: Usually in the summer


  • Where: Denver, Colorado area
  • When: First Saturday in May

I’d love to meet you and cherish your spiritual search! I’m Suzanne Riedel, C.S.B., and I live and teach in the Denver, Colorado area. I am guessing we may have some experiences in common.

Mine have been varied. My marriage, five children, graduate school, and teaching high school and middle school for 20 years all were proving grounds for what I was learning about God and the great Love we all have. I love music and playing piano, organ, and singing. I enthusiastically followed my children’s high school and college sports, and now my grandchildren’s, watching them learn to challenge themselves to express dominion and working with others. I’ve lived from ranch country and mountains, to metropolis and have traveled widely throughout many continents. I learned much from working in the Committee on Publication in Boston seven years, serving as a Christian Science lecturer nine years, and serving as Clerk of The Mother Church for 3 ½ years.

I looked most of my life for spiritual answers, for Truth, and then found Christian Science as a 20-year-old. My first healing experience was life-saving and life-changing. Other healings followed as I increasingly learned of the good that God knew and caused. Knowing the closeness to God, Spirit, Love, we all actually have, and praying to establish it in consciousness --- this, to me, is the pearl of great price that Christian Science teaches humanity. I love to see others discover their real spiritual potential.

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