
Teacher Profile

Susan Breuer, CSB

  • English
Susan Breuer, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: Contact Teacher


  • Where: San Francisco Bay Area, California
  • When: Contact Teacher

I have always loved Christian Science and couldn’t wait for my twelfth birthday so I could join The Mother Church. I knew I wanted to be a practitioner by the age of fifteen.

To have class instruction is to gain a fuller sense of Truth and its far-reaching implications, which enables you to go out into the world and heal in line with the way that Jesus did. A healing I had of a medically diagnosed broken neck years ago many might call miraculous. But what Christian Science teaches is that healing is divinely natural. I learned from this experience more of divine Love’s ever presence and of my unbroken relationship to God. 

Prior to becoming a Journal listed practitioner in 2005, I received a BA from San Jose State University and a MA from Stanford University. My love of music led me to play and teach violin and general music for many years. I also toured and sang with different choral groups in multiple countries. However, the music in my heart has been and always will be my love for the healing ministry. 

Being a teacher of Christian Science is an opportunity to share with others the knowledge of the Christ that has been so generously given to me throughout my lifetime.

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