
Teacher Profile

Scott C. Shivers, CSB

  • English
Scott C. Shivers, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Durango, Colorado
  • When: Summer


  • Where: Durango, Colorado
  • When: October

In one of my earliest memories, I’m climbing onto my dad’s lap. I wasn’t feeling well and though I don’t remember the exact words, we talked about how God’s love was all around me. No longer afraid and completely healed, I felt so close to God, even closer than my dad, and I was on his lap. The Bible stories I knew were suddenly alive; God was real! This healing instilled a love of Christian Science and the Bible, and the efficacy of that simple, humble yielding to God has continued to bless me ever since.

After graduating from college, I began what I expected to be a full career in accounting and public finance, but a mere two months into that first job, a question suddenly came to thought, “What about the Christian Science practice?” This surprised me but in many ways was a natural outgrowth of my deep desire to share the richness of God’s healing love that I had continued to experience with others. I became a Journal-listed Christian Science practitioner in 1996.

This motive to humbly serve and follow the example of Christ Jesus to help others know and experience the grace of God’s enduring love is foundational to all I do, from adventures with my family and service at church to my public healing practice and as a Christian Science teacher. I also currently serve as the Manager of Committees on Publication worldwide at The Mother Church in Boston.

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