
Teacher Profile

Paula V. Jensen-Moulton, CSB

  • English
Paula V. Jensen-Moulton, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Canton, New York
  • When: Please contact teacher


  • Where: Syracuse, New York
  • When: June

Relying on God has always been natural for me. From an early age, I found that praying with simple truths I learned at home and in the Christian Science Sunday School brought healing and comfort for myself and others.

As an active child, I had plenty of opportunities for healing. While training in Switzerland with my ski team, our coach, who knew I was a Christian Scientist and aware of healings I’d had, asked me to help a seriously injured fellow racer. After speaking to him of his perfect nature, he regained consciousness and movement before the rescue helicopter arrived. My public practice was thus launched! It was, however, many years before I officially entered the full-time healing ministry.

I’ve always loved teaching, and during college taught piano and led a Girl Scout troop! With two children, I continued schooling, receiving degrees in education/administration and counseling. My professional experience includes ten years as school principal and many years as teacher/supervisor for the Department of Corrections, Department of Mental Health, and public schools.

Once, a parent called requesting help for her son, not as a principal but as a Christian Science practitioner. Resigning that year, I became a Journal- listed practitioner in 2002. From 2003-2008, I served as the Christian Science Committee on Publication for Connecticut.

Attending Normal class in 2012 was a natural unfoldment of my love for the healing practice of Christian Science. It's a joy to share with others the inspiration and freedom class instruction provides!


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