
Teacher Profile

Maryl F. Walters, CSB

  • English
Maryl F. Walters, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: St. Louis, Missouri
  • When: Usually in June


  • Where: St. Louis, Missouri
  • When: Early November

Our family was introduced to Christian Science when my grandfather was dying of tuberculosis. Someone directed him to a Christian Science practitioner and he was healed, going on to live a long and happy life. But each one of us has to make Christian Science our own, and I found my conviction and calling in my early twenties through in-depth study and prayer when I was expecting my first child. I also had several significant healings that pointed me to the truth of Christ-centered, Jesus-patterned spirituality as taught in Christian Science.

I have a BA degree in Education and a Masters of Theological Studies from Eden Theological Seminary. I’ve been a Christian Science practitioner since 1977. As a result of a great love of learning and teaching, and viewing education as a drawing out of that which is already present in the student, I became a Christian Science teacher in 1994. I’m always looking for new and fresh ways of doing things, "singing unto the Lord a new song." I was also a member of the Board of Lectureship from 1994 to 2018.

Home is St. Louis, where three sons and their families live. I’m actively involved in interfaith activities locally.  Dialogue with people of other faiths always makes me appreciate what their strengths are, as well as what we bring to the table as Christian Scientists.

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