
Teacher Profile

Mary Bothwell, CSB

  • English
Mary Bothwell, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Pasadena, California
  • When: Summer


  • Where: Pasadena area, California
  • When: July

What an exhilarating experience to have the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy come alive through their spiritual meaning! I gained a glimpse of this as a student in the Christian Science Sunday School. Ever since, I have continued to participate in Sunday School whenever possible, either as teacher of all age levels or as superintendent. Now, as a Christian Science teacher, I am privileged to use these books as textbooks during class instruction, exploring with the students their spiritual lessons.

Christian Science was quietly and effectively used in my family for healing when I was growing up, but I knew very few Christian Scientists. While attending Principia College I found that Christian Science can be applied to every life situation with healing results. Upon earning a B.S. in physics, I left college with a job in the robotic exploration of space and a yearning to learn more about Christian Science practice. That summer, I took Primary class instruction, which instilled a deep desire to become a Christian Science practitioner. After a fulfilling aerospace career, I resigned my technical management position in 2007 to become a full-time public practitioner, and was Journal-listed in 2008. Motivated to be of further service to the Cause of Christian Science and mankind, I attended the Normal Class of 2012.

For more information please see my website.

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