
Teacher Profile

Mark McCurties, CSB

  • English
Mark McCurties, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Michigan
  • When: Contact teacher


  • Where: Michigan
  • When: Contact teacher

I have always loved the Scriptures. Growing up in a Christian Science home, my family turned to the Bible daily for guidance, strength, and practical help.

When I was seven years old, I suddenly developed a degenerative spinal condition that caused me to be hunched over and unable to walk normally. I knew the truth about God’s goodness found in the Bible could heal me.

With the constant love and support of my parents and a dedicated Christian Science practitioner, I was completely healed in less than two weeks through prayer alone. The Bible’s promise of God’s healing and saving love had been proven true in my experience! This was when I first knew that I, too, wanted to be a Christian Science practitioner.

After college, I spent several years in the field of education working with middle school and high school students. Those fun and challenging experiences taught me to depend even more on God, and they ultimately prepared me to become a Journal-listed practitioner in 2010.

In 2014, a new opportunity to share Christian Science came along when I was asked to join the Christian Science Board of Lectureship. For more than ten years, I have enjoyed sharing about the remarkable discovery that Mary Baker Eddy made. Her recognition that Jesus’ healing works are repeatable and provable today in conjunction with a divine Science has forever changed the world.

What an honor it is to practice, lecture, and as of 2024, teach about this infinitely vast subject!

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