
Teacher Profile

Manya Ann Kaseroff-Smith, CSB

  • English
Manya Ann Kaseroff-Smith, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Palo Alto, California
  • When: August


  • Where: Palo Alto, California
  • When: Last Saturday in September

It was through the kindness of a neighbor, who drove my sister and me to Sunday School every week, that I was introduced to Christian Science and had a healing that changed my life. Neither of my parents were Christian Scientists, and I’d been born with a disfiguring skin condition. The medicines they tried were of no avail, but I was completely healed through my prayers as a child in Sunday School. My curiosity to learn how I’d been healed made me an eager student, and soon I was applying what I was taught in Sunday School to everything in my life – home, school, pets.

After completing Sunday School, I immediately took Primary class instruction. Shortly thereafter, while attending college, I began receiving my first calls for Christian Science treatment, and the practice captured my heart. I graduated from college and taught school for a short time, becoming Journal-listed in1982. Since then, I’ve devoted my life to Christian Science healing. I was accepted for Normal class in 2009, and now it’s my joy to teach others to heal.

I’ve served the Christian Science field in various capacities, as a CSO advisor, Campus Counselor, on planning committees for CS Youth regional events, and through service in local branch churches.

My husband and I live in Sunnyvale, California, at the southern tip of San Francisco Bay. We enjoy gardening and many outdoor activities.

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