
Teacher Profile

Lisa M. Rennie-Sytsma, CSB

  • English
Lisa M. Rennie-Sytsma, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Denver, Colorado


  • Where: Denver, Colorado

Growing up with the stories of the healings that had brought my family into Christian Science – a great uncle healed of polio, my mother and aunt healed of leukemia – it seemed entirely natural to me, as a second-grader, to agree to pray for a sobbing playmate who asked me to do so after she tumbled off a swing-set. The fact that she quickly returned to play seemed equally natural. I knew someday I would become a practitioner. But first, I had to see the world! Entering the full-time practice could wait until I retired from a long career of travel and adventure.

With this career in mind, I studied political science in college and got a Master’s degree in international relations. Travel I did, studying in Italy and Poland and eventually working at the U.S. Embassy in Lisbon, Portugal. But the public practice of Christian Science would not wait. Upon learning that I was a Christian Scientist, people began asking me to pray for them. While I loved my career, it was becoming clear to me that the most important work was bringing the gospel – the good news – of healing through the power of Love to as many people as possible. I resigned my position. I became a Journal-listed practitioner in 1991 and a teacher in 2012. In 2023 I joined the staff of the Christian Science periodicals as an associate editor. My husband, who is also a Christian Science practitioner, and I live in Hopkinton, Massachusetts.


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