
Teacher Profile

Jennifer McLaughlin, CSB

  • English
Jennifer McLaughlin, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts

During college, a significant healing established me on a path to not only better know and understand God, but also to understand why that mattered. After being ill in bed for a week, I was healed overnight after a Christian Science practitioner (whom I’d asked to pray for me) spoke to me about the First Commandment in a way that challenged and revitalized my thinking. Very quickly, my physical health and freedom were completely restored—and that got my full attention. I wholeheartedly embraced Christian Science, and never looked back.

Throughout my life, my most significant and meaningful experiences have been those of helping, healing, and teaching others. This was true during my many years of being a camp counselor; as an athlete on various sports teams; in serving Christian Science branch churches in Washington, D.C. and Johannesburg, South Africa; while getting my M.B.A; and to being a mentor and manager at various businesses in the fields of environmental conservation, marketing, and publishing. I’ve always gravitated toward ways I could best encourage and support others.

To me, there is nothing more satisfying and joyous than teaching others how to heal as Christ Jesus did—which I love to do as an authorized practitioner and teacher of Christian Science.

I also currently serve as a Trustee and the Manager of The Christian Science Publishing Society. My husband and I live in Boston, and love to travel, take long walks, and explore our delightful city.

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