
Teacher Profile

Jane Dickinson-Scott, CSB

  • English
Jane Dickinson-Scott, CSB

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  • Where: Scarborough, Yorkshire, North
  • When: Contact teacher.


  • Where: Scarborough, Yorkshire, North
  • When: In September

My family was introduced to Christian Science as a result of my great Uncle being healed of a debilitating disease.

Growing up I had a great desire to travel and an early heartfelt desire to help others; so after training in childcare I did some voluntary work for Save the Children Fund, with Tibetan refugees in northern India.

On my return I trained further in social work and specifically focused on families and young people. Around this time I married and started a family and also took class instruction.

Life and work gave me many new experiences in which to practice Christian Science. My family was my immediate field of practice and prayer for them naturally spilled over into helping friends and neighbours. Journal-listing followed in 1983.

I now live in Scarborough, and my grown children and their children visit me regularly and we enjoy beach time and cliff walks.

Through the years I have thoroughly enjoyed working with others organising and praying in support of a number of Christian Science Youth meetings. Serving as a Visiting Christian Science Prison Minister for about six years provided me with many opportunities for witnessing God’s love and care for those in very difficult situations. I have also served in different capacities in my local branch church and as a Christian Science lecturer from 2008 to 2016.

In 2000 I was accepted and took Normal class, and I continue to grow spiritually, teach my own pupils and nurture our Association family.

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