
Teacher Profile

James Pascal Bikai, CSB

James Pascal Bikai, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Yaoundé
  • When: August


  • Where: Yaoundé
  • When: August


My parents found Christian Science when I was eight, and we experienced our mother’s healing of cancer, as well as many other healings of serious diseases over the years. I was always curious to know how prayer worked, especially after I was healed of yellow fever. During my Sunday School years, I was interested in sharing what I’d been learning with my brothers and sisters. Then during my university studies, I made the commitment to be a member of the Christian Science organization. I spent many lovely moments with other members, sharing on our campus what we understand to be the healing message of Christian Science.

I ended up with a bachelor’s degree in earth science (Geology). Then came a moment of praying and asking God what to do next? Primary class instruction was the answer.

Since I was receiving calls for Christian Science treatment, I began advertising in The Christian Science Journal as a practitioner in 2005. I’m currently a member of the Board of Lectureship. The healing practice constantly increased my desire to give to others what I think is really the best thing I have ever found, and this desire to share led me to take the Normal class in 2012.

I know the future is bright with “that institution, which affords proof of its utility and is found elevating the race…” (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 583).

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