
Teacher Profile

Giulia Nesi Tetreau, CSB

  • English
Giulia Nesi Tetreau, CSB

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  • Where: Fairfield, Connecticut area
  • When: Usually summer


  • Where: Fairfield, Connecticut area
  • When: Usually fall

I always knew my career path was going to involve being of service to others, but had no idea it would be as a practitioner and teacher of Christian Science! My work in rural Appalachia during high school touched me so deeply I went on to get both an undergraduate and graduate degree in social work. I then worked for over 10 years as a psychotherapist in a variety of mental health settings. Though my career was going well, I began feeling an increasing sense of dissatisfaction and restlessness.

I realize now I was searching--earnestly seeking a deeper meaning and purpose for my life. The feeling that there had to be something more and that God had to be in the answer, propelled me into a journey of spiritual exploration that was absolutely life-transforming. After looking into many different spiritual practices, I was introduced to the teachings of Christian Science and began reading Mary Baker Eddy’s book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. While reading it, I found a “shared sacred space” with the author and experienced such a profound sense of “coming home” that I knew nothing was going to be the same. It wasn’t long before I realized that for me, praying for others and helping them come to know themselves as the “loved of Love” was the highest sense of my life purpose. I eventually left the mental health field to hang out my shingle as a practitioner, and then teacher, and have never looked back!

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