
Teacher Profile

Elizabeth Schaefer, CSB

  • English
Elizabeth Schaefer, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: San Antonio, Texas
  • When: Summer


  • Where: San Antonio, Texas
  • When: Fall

What do counseling at-risk youth, running an emergency shelter, working as a wilderness ranger, teaching, and coordinating community outreach programs all have in common? These were jobs that led to my being in the full-time practice of Christian Science!

Even as a child, lessons from the Bible and Mary Baker Eddy's writings had encouraged and shown me ways to help others.  Christian Science gave me a love for Christ Jesus; it also enabled me to follow him by showing how prayer transforms experience by transforming thought.  Whether confronting hostile situations, battling a forest fire, or facing physical challenges, prayer enabled me to get beyond the appearance of things to the spiritual truth that brought healing solutions. As God’s love became more real to me and the mental nature of experience became more apparent, so did opportunities to heal.

Inquiries about Christian Science and requests for help grew.  The realization that the most significant contribution I could make to the world was to become a Christian Science practitioner resulted in being Journal-listed in 1999; in 2003, I became a Christian Science teacher.

Besides serving in several branch churches, I have been a Christian Science lecturer and Second Reader of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist.

Family time includes enjoying the outdoors with my husband and two grown step-children. Whether I am on horseback in South Texas, walking the seashore, or climbing a mountain peak, I still know the best adventure comes from opening thought to God!

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