
Teacher Profile

Beverly J. Ness, CSB

  • English
Beverly J. Ness, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Dallas, Texas
  • When: Usually in the Summer


  • Where: Dallas, Texas
  • When: Usually in the Fall

Christian Science came into my family through my grandfather’s healing of a painful, incurable condition that threatened his livelihood. My siblings and I attended a Christian Science Sunday School in South Bend, Indiana, where I grew up.

Active participation in Christian Science college organizations strengthened my spiritual understanding during undergraduate and graduate studies. Through healing experiences, I glimpsed the profound nature of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery, and living Christian Science in daily affairs became a wonderful and natural way of life. Class instruction inspired a humble desire to really know God, and to be a healer—to help others.

Professionally, I taught mathematics and statistics in various positions from the college level down. In later years, prayer led to law school, and I practiced law in the areas of civil rights and employment discrimination.

After marriage, came a move to Tampa, Florida and the blessing of three children, who are now grown. We experienced many healings in our family, and requests for prayerful treatment from others began to increase. I gained experience through part-time public practice, which led to advertising as a full-time practitioner in The Christian Science Journal, and then to the privilege of Normal class instruction. Serving as Christian Science Committee on Publication for Florida from 1998 to 2006 brought significant, far-reaching demonstrations through prayer.

Home is now in the Dallas, Texas, area, where I teach. Practicing the highest law, the law of God, is a pure offering of love—doing good for others, blessing the world, glorifying God.

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