
Teacher Profile

Arcadia A. Nones, CSB

  • English
Arcadia A. Nones, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Chicago area, Illinois
  • When: Summer


  • Where: Chicago area, Illinois
  • When: Fall

Growing up as part of an active Christian Science family in Colorado, I was surrounded and nurtured by several generations of Christian Science practitioners and taught to rely on God. This way of life guided and steadied me, brought many blessings including the healing of a broken leg while skiing, true spiritual joy and integrity within business, and a wonderful marriage.

After earning a degree in business economics, I moved to Chicago, and entered the corporate world. I was the founder of a global management, strategic consulting company and credit the practical application of Christian Science with my firm's growth. I was grateful to speak with graduate students about business principles and ethics as a university guest lecturer.

Within my heart, I knew I would enter the public practice of Christian Science one day. In 2016, that day arrived. I resigned from all business responsibilities and gave my firm to my employees with the conviction I was not leaving good behind, but going towards something wonderful–the full-time healing work that God had been guiding me into, taking with me the good, inspiration, supply that comes to all of us from God.

Observing humility and the healing heart of Christian Science nurses while serving on various boards supporting this activity, felt like a graduate course, a finishing school in an essential element of healing – unselfed love. The call to share this transformational truth more widely led me to attend the 2021 Normal class.

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