
Teacher Profile

Annette Dutenhoffer, CSB

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Annette Dutenhoffer, CSB

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  • Where: Longmont, Colorado
  • When: Summer


  • Where: Longmont, Colorado
  • When: Fall

As a little girl I learned that God is Love. During my occasional sleepless nights, my mom would encourage me to "catch some angels." In the Christian Science Sunday school I had learned Mary Baker Eddy's definition of angels: "God's thoughts passing to man;...the inspiration of goodness...counteracting all evil" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, p. 581). In those moments, I could feel divine Love's powerful presence comforting me. I still feel it when I'm praying--either for myself, or for others--as a Christian Science practitioner. And I know that same Love is present to bring comfort, guidance, and permanent healing to anyone in need.

I grew up, got married, and had two daughters of my own. Motherhood was great training for the Christian Science healing practice, giving me ample opportunities to exercise tender compassion, loving care, and patient nurturing--all qualities I use daily in my practice. I began advertising as a public Christian Science practitioner in 2005.

Volunteering in my community and serving in church have led me to rewarding teaching opportunities. In recent years, however, I've realized that the ultimate in teaching is to help others learn to apply the laws of Christian Science to issues individually, locally, and globally. I became an authorized teacher of Christian Science in 2018.

Just as my love for the beautiful Rocky Mountains has led me to live in Colorado, my love for God and mankind has led me into the practice and teaching of Christian Science healing.

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