
Teacher Profile

Amy Jones Richmond, CSB

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  • English
Amy Jones Richmond, CSB

Contact Information


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts
  • When: Contact teacher


  • Where: Boston, Massachusetts
  • When: Contact teacher

I grew up with parents who loved and practiced Christian Science, and I experienced consistent and decisive healings as a kid and teen. After my daughter was born, and while still in the hospital, I was instantly healed of an extremely high and life-threatening fever, much to the amazement of the medical staff. 

Even so, a few years later, while going through some really tough times, I stepped away from Christian Science. This wasn’t a bad thing, though, because it was during this time that I did some deep soul-searching and honest questioning which developed into more appreciation for God and what God is. That spiritual curiosity led to satisfying answers and continues to this day. More committed than ever to practicing spiritual healing, I started receiving calls from friends and family who were seeking healing. 

I’ve worked in a variety of editorial positions for The Christian Science Publishing Society, which has only deepened my love for all that Mary Baker Eddy established and shared with the world. I began advertising in The Christian Science Journal as a Christian Science practitioner in 2017 and went through Normal class to become an authorized teacher of Christian Science in 2024.

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