

Scientific prayer heals

People all over the world have been praying for thousands of years, making an appeal to a superior power –looking for help. But what is prayer about? Does prayer help to solve problems? Is prayer enough for healing? Many times, people say that they pray and nothing happens.


Finding where God is seen and felt — what’s church got to do with it?

Have you ever thought about God as goodness? And God’s creation, including you and everyone else, as a natural extension of that goodness? There is a direct connection between this foundational way of viewing the world and the idea of church. This lecture discusses the role of church—not just as a building or place, but as a new kind of thinking that reveals God’s goodness for you and everyone around you.


How spiritual perception brings healing

How can we move away from fear, sickness, and strife into something better? Prayer, as it’s explained through the lens of Christian Science, is a tool for bringing a different viewpoint, and ultimately healing, to any situation. Prayer is getting beyond surface level judgements to a deeper sense of God’s nature—all-good, all-loving—defining all things.


Is Jesus' healing work a model for today?

This talk discusses Christian Science and how it explains the practical application of Jesus’ teachings in daily life, for anyone, including through physical healing. Alexandre explores examples from the Bible and shares personal testimonies of healing, all pointing to the fact that God is not far off, but here and now.


The healing power of divine Love

All of God’s creations are governed by divine Love and its healing power—including us. In his lessons and sermons, Christ Jesus demonstrated the healing power of God, divine Love.


Spiritual perception and guidance—available to all

Everyone can receive practical inspirations from a higher, spiritual source. They never leave us where they found us, but rather propel us forward to discover and learn more.


Can spiritual perception bring healing?

This is the UK title for How spiritual perception brings healing. How can we move away from fear, sickness, and strife into something better? Prayer, as it’s explained through the lens of Christian Science, is a tool for bringing a different viewpoint, and ultimately healing, to any situation.


Nicole Ehrenhardt, CS

Nicole found Christian Science during a very troubled and difficult time in her life. At her first encounter with Christian Science, she experienced healing from migraines, which was then followed by further healings in various areas of her life.At first she couldn't explain exactly what had caused these healings.


Caryl Emra Farkas, CSB

The most important influences on Emra’s life were her mother, who taught her to pray when confronted with difficulties, and her Christian Science Sunday School. In her teens, when a teacher asked her to speak to a social studies class about her religion, she found the joy that comes from sharing what she understood and had experienced of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery.
