

Preparing for membership

Becoming a member of any group of people working together toward a common goal is a commitment—one that brings you into a community of like-minded people. Membership in The Mother Church is so much more.


Applying for membership

Choosing a membership form What a great journey you are beginning! Let’s get you started on your way. There are three forms provided in the Manual of The Mother Church.


Reuniting members

If you took some time away from your membership and wish to rejoin The Mother Church, we are so grateful to welcome you back, and invite you to reapply. The world has need of you and the quality of thought you bring to it! You will complete one of the same forms available to first-time applicants.


Form 1

Use Form 1 if: You have had Primary class instruction with a teacher of Christian Science. Your teacher will sign your application.


Form 2

Use Form 2 if: You have not had Primary class instruction with a teacher of Christian Science. Instructions Download the PDF form.


Special Form

Use Special Form if: You have had Primary class instruction with a teacher of Christian Science. Your teacher will not be signing your form for any one of the reasons listed in the Manual of The Mother Church.


Membership FAQs

We understand—maybe not every question you have is answered. So here are some questions that some applicants have asked in the past.



Get directions and our address for The First Church of Christ, Scientist, (the Christian Science Church) in Boston.


Christian Science, Wikipedia, and American Religious History

There are many misunderstandings about Christian Science and its Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, on Wikipedia. Entries appear like jumbled puzzles with missing sections, pieces forced into the wrong places, and other pieces that simply don’t belong. The church is offering this encyclopedic entry on Christian Science, with permission, that comes closer to the heart of the religion.


Press kit: Image Release

HOW DO YOU SEE THE WORLD? PRESS KIT -  IMAGES The copyrighted digital image files (“Images”) are provided below solely for use in original news articles written and published about the display spaces within the “How Do You See the  World?” experience. For other uses of the Images, please email us at
