

Дух животворит

Узнайте подробнее о характерных особенностях, присутствии и действенности Духа как пути к более крепкому, более стабильному здоровью и устойчивым решениям. «Изучение Духа как постоянно ощутимого ресурса и субстанции и его практического применения в нашей сегодняшней жизни, безусловно, является одним из наиболее значимых и многообещающих событий 21 века», — говорит Джулиана Кляйн в своей лекции.


Can spiritual perception bring healing?

This is the UK title for How spiritual perception brings healing. How can we move away from fear, sickness, and strife into something better? Prayer, as it’s explained through the lens of Christian Science, is a tool for bringing a different viewpoint, and ultimately healing, to any situation.


Learn to pray and heal (a spiritual adventure)

Are prayer and healing for you? I mean, if you have no experience with spirituality or religion, or you’re not even sure what you think about God, can you still pray and be healed? Yes. Because prayer and healing are natural to us, and I say this as one who didn’t even grow up in a religious household.


Prayer and Well-being: a Spiritual Adventure

This is the UK title for the lecture Learn to pray and heal (a spiritual adventure) . Are prayer and healing for you? I mean, if you have no experience with spirituality or religion, or you’re not even sure what you think about God, can you still pray and be healed? Yes.


“Who am I really?”—Discovering your spiritual identity

Do you feel a gap between what you know yourself to be in your heart and what you appear to be on the outside? If identity is not a product of a physical body, then what is it, and where does it come from? Christian Science teaches that your identity comes from God, good, and is entirely spiritual. As you begin to understand this fact, it can have a positive effect on your life and well-being.


Take hold of your divine freedom

Finding freedom from oppressive circumstances can seem impossible. However, freedom, found through a spiritual perspective, is available to everyone–in every situation.


Miracles – redefined. Experience the divine in everyday life.

Are you open to considering a new perspective on miracles? In her lecture, Heike presents the viewpoint of Christian Science on what are commonly called miracles. A miracle does not change the natural order of things. It’s about seeing something more of the divine, ever-present reality—actually perceiving more tangibly the ever-present goodness of divine Love.


Miracles redefined. Overcoming crises and finding security

Alternate title to Miracles - redefined. Experience the divine in everyday life.
