
Search: healing

Paula V Jensen-Moulton CSB

Relying on God has always been natural for me. From an early age, I found that praying with simple truths I learned at home and in the Christian Science Sunday School brought healing and comfort for myself and others.


Rita Renea Robles CSB

I have always had a love of healing in Christian Science. My first family stories were of how my grandfather’s immediate conviction of the Science of the Christ healed my uncles and aunts in their moments of great need.


The Christian Science Pastor

As the universal Pastor for the Church of Christ, Scientist, the Bible and Science and Health embrace church congregations with a message of Christian love, preach the Word with clarity, minister to those needing care in every place and circumstance, and prove their worth through healing transformation.


Interfaith and Ecumenical Connections

Ideas and discussions to help you listen and contribute to the healing dialogue between faiths.


Rosalind Childs Fogg CSB

While working in television in New York City, after college and studying/traveling in Europe and Africa, I was awakened to a keen desire to really know myself spiritually and to be more a part of Church’s healing mission. Primary class instruction transformed my life. Working for The Mother Church, in Boston, enhanced my appreciation of Church. Communing with God led me to obediently and faithfully begin publicly practicing Christian Science, and I have been gratefully healing others for over 35 years. My prayers led me to St.


Susan Breuer CSB

I have always loved Christian Science and couldn’t wait for my twelfth birthday so I could join The Mother Church. I knew I wanted to be a practitioner by the age of fifteen.


Caryl Emra Farkas CSB

When I was growing up, I attended First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Freeport, New York. I became a member of that church and The Mother Church at age 12.


Christian A Harder CSB

When I was growing up, Christian Science was at the center of family life. Both of my parents were Christian Science practitioners, and I dutifully attended Sunday School.


Kevin Eugene Ness CSB

I grew up loving Christian Science as a little boy and never stopped. I was raised in Tampa, Florida, in a loving family where it was natural to see Christian Science healing and look to God for answers for all of life’s needs.


Caryl Emra Farkas, CSB

The most important influences on Emra’s life were her mother, who taught her to pray when confronted with difficulties, and her Christian Science Sunday School. In her teens, when a teacher asked her to speak to a social studies class about her religion, she found the joy that comes from sharing what she understood and had experienced of Mary Baker Eddy’s discovery.


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