
Online services and events

Join us for church services, Sentinel audio chats, podcasts from The Mary Baker Eddy Library, the Annual Meeting of The Mother Church, and more.

Online Sunday church service

10 AM ET

Join the Sunday service at The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Online Wednesday testimony meeting


Participate in a weekly testimony meeting with people around the world. Hear others share insights, experiences, and healings they’ve had through their prayer and practice of Christian Science.

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Sentinel Watch

Sep 30, 2024 2 AM ET

"If I could leave one thing for future generations . . ." With Julianna Mangelsdorf

This week’s guest, Julianna Mangelsdorf, shares how a foundational idea in Christian Science has made such an impact on her that she sees it as invaluable for generations to come. And stay tuned at the end of this episode for a special message from a listener.

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Seekers and Scholars monthly podcast from The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Oct 1, 2024 9 AM ET

95. Terms of endearment—Mary Baker Eddy and New Hampshire

Find out why the cultural and religious character of her native state meant so much to the founder of Christian Science.

Listen to the podcast