At Wednesday testimony meetings, you’ll hear hymns and readings specially selected for the day from the Christian Science Pastor—the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Unless otherwise indicated, Scriptural selections are from the King James Version of the Bible. You’ll also hear testimonies of healing and comments about Christian Science submitted by listeners.
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Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Mimi Oka, First Reader
Bryan Ashley, Organist
From God I Will Not Part, BWV 658 by Johann Sebastian Bach
Communion by Charles Callahan
Hymn 113
from the Armenian Liturgy translated by Leon Tourian adapted, words
Holiness becomes Thy house,
’Tis Thou who dost dwell in light;
Thou begirt with majesty,
Gird us with Truth,
And with Thy great might.
Send Thou forth Thy power and love,
In beauty of holiness;
We would here commune with Thee,
Eternal God,
Be Thou near to bless.
O supreme and perfect One,
O Lord, praise to Thee is due;
Clothe us in the grace of love,
Maintain Thy church
To Thy service true.
Readings from the Bible, and correlative passages from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.
Silent Prayer, followed by the audible repetition of the Lord's Prayer, its spiritual interpretation being omitted.
Hymn 3
Ethel Wasgatt Dennis, words
Arnold’s Complete Psalter, 1756, music
A grateful heart a garden is,
Where there is always room
For every lovely, Godlike grace
To come to perfect bloom.
A grateful heart a fortress is,
A staunch and rugged tower,
Where God’s omnipotence, revealed,
Girds man with mighty power.
A grateful heart a temple is,
A shrine so pure and white,
Where angels of His presence keep
Calm watch by day or night.
Grant then, dear Father-Mother, God,
Whatever else befall,
This largess of a grateful heart
That loves and blesses all.
Experiences, testimonies and remarks on Christian Science
To submit a testimony, scroll down to the bottom of this webpage to the section that says “Testimonies."
Hymn 499
Respecting third party copyrights, we are unable to post the words to this hymn.
Allegro (from Sonata No. 1 in E-flat Major) BWV 525/3 by J.S. Bach
We are not authorized to post some hymn words due to copyright restrictions. Some of the hymn words may be copyrighted by The Christian Science Board of Directors and cannot be republished without permission. For more information, email For branches of The Mother Church streaming their services, please see the guidelines. Music included in today's streaming church service is covered by a Christian Copyright Solutions WORSHIPcast License.
Feel free to submit testimonies using the testimony/comment form before, during, or after the meeting, and throughout the week. Read our testimony guidelines. We'd love it if you would include your name and location so we can embrace our global audience. As you write up your testimony, please remember that we have listeners from many different backgrounds, with varying degrees of familiarity with Christian Science. We do not air all submissions and submissions may be slightly edited before airing.
If your testimony has never been published before, you are invited to submit a longer version of it to The Christian Science Journal, Christian Science Sentinel, or The Herald of Christian Science at JSH Submissions. Further guidelines for submitting testimonies to the periodicals are also available here.